OneDrive is a cloud service that allows you to sync files across your devices. It is personal; that is, only you can log on to OneDrive and see your OneDrive files, as that is authorized by your Microsoft 365 login. You own your file, but you can share specific files or folders with others as needed.
On the other hand, SharePoint is shared cloud service. In SharePoint, more than one person can own a file, and everyone who has access to the SharePoint can access file(s) without you having to specifically share them. The file's owner(s) can give site members and visitors different permissions, such as Edit and View-only.
Tip for Citrix Users: Use OneDrive to share files between your local desktop and Citrix desktop.
Incompatible Files Names Error
If OneDrive cannot sync a file or folder because its name contains invalid characters, you will need to manually rename the file prior to syncing.
The following characters are not allowed in file and folder names in OneDrive or SharePoint:
" * : < > ? / \ |