A Video version of this is also available:  Add Captions to your Panopto Video
For a playlist of all CampusNet videos for Instructors:  CampusNet Course Tutorials for Instructors

Here are the steps for adding captions to your Panopto video:

1. Go to https://sebts.hosted.panopto.com and select the course you want:

    A. Select the course link from your "My Folder" or your "Shared with Me" folder.


    B. Use the Browse function to enter and find your course by name.

NOTE:  You will need to have editing access to be able to add captions to a video.

2. Hover the cursor underneath the video title, and in the controls that appear click Edit.

3. In the left menu, click on Captions and select Import automatic captions

4. Each set of captions will show up with timestamps, and can be edited for incorrect understandings by selecting the three dots that appear to the right of the timestamp and clicking “edit.”

5. Click the blue Apply button on the top right to start the process. This may take a while to apply the changes, depending on the video length.

6. You can change the way captions are shown by using the controls that appear after clicking the 3-dot ellipsis beneath the video.