A Video version of this is also available: Importing a course in CampusNet |
For a playlist of all CampusNet videos for Instructors: CampusNet Course Tutorials for Instructors |
If you have a new course for which you want to use much of the format and content from an existing or past course, you can use the Import function to bring in a copy of the data you select. Here are the steps for doing that:
Importing an Existing Course into a New Course:
- In the “target” course page on CampusNet, click the "More" in the top menu, and select “Course Reuse” from the options.
- Scroll down to the Search area and input the course code of the course from which you will import, exactly as it appears in CampusNet (e.g., HIS1120.A-FA2021). Click “Search.” [You can also search on the first part of the course name to get a list of all courses starting with that].
- Click the “radio button” to the left of the class that will be imported, then click Continue.
- In the "Initial settings" screen, the default is with everything selected other than "Include permission overrides.". Unchecking the boxes to the left will allow you to leave off individual items or even weeks. Uncheck any boxes for things you do not wish to import.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Occasionally you may find that a Question bank for a course has become "broken" due to having questions from unrelated courses. Before doing an import into your course, you should check for such broken courses using the procedure in the "What to do for Broken Question Banks" section below. If the course you are importing has multiple question categories with questions unrelated to your new course, you should uncheck the "Include question bank" check box before importing.
- Scroll down to the bottom and click Next.
- You will be on the "Schema settings" screen where you can uncheck any items in various course weeks that you do not wish to import into your new course. Click Next when done.
- In the "Confirmation and review" screen, if you are satisfied that you have unchecked all items you do not want, scroll down to the bottom and click Perform import. It may take a minute or so. When done, you should see the status: "Import complete. Click continue to return to the course."
What to do for Broken Question Banks:
Here’s how to check question banks (for a course you want to import) prior to importing to see if they are broken (if they are, during import, someone should de-select the question bank option which comes up immediately after step 4 in the import instructions above):
- From the CampusNet page of the course you want to import, click "More" in the top menu, and select “Question Bank.”
- In the pull-down box just below the top menu, select “Categories.”
- Look for any question bank names that are unrelated to the course material or professor (e.g., “Akin (191),” “Old Testament 5520” in a Biblical Counseling class, etc.). See this example screenshot:
- If there are any such banks, or if the Akin bank appears at all, this course is broken and may not import properly into other course pages on CampusNet. The course material can still be imported, just without the quizzes/exams. Such exams will have to be imported from somewhere else (see section below), or else they will have to be rebuilt.
How to use Question Bank Export and Import to get questions from another course:
It is possible to export questions from a selected question bank category in another course and import them into the question bank of your new course. This export can even be done from a course with a "broken" question bank, as long as you select only the question category that has the questions you want. That way, the other "broken" question categories will not be imported. [Please note that quiz assignments may need to be re-created, if your quiz is not linked to the imported questions].- After your new course has been created with no question bank, open the other course that has the questions you want. In the pull-down box just below the top menu, select “Export” and click the Moodle XML format button.
- If the Category name for the questions is what you want to use in your new course, leave the two "Write" buttons selected. If instead you want to put the questions into the Default category for your new course, unselect the "Write" buttons.
- In the Export Category, select the old course's question category that you want to export.
- Click the Export Questions to File button and save the files on your computer.
- Now exit the old course and open the new course to which you want to import the questions.
From the new course, in the pull-down box just below the top menu, select “Import” and click the Moodle XML format button.
Open the General section. If you are importing the category name from the old course, leave the "Category" and "Context" buttons selected. If not, unselect them.
In the "Import questions from file" section, select the file you saved in step 4 above and click the Import button.
Your course should now have the imported questions in its bank.
IMPORTANT: If you imported the questions after importing the course from another course, your quiz assignments may not be linked to the questions in your imported question bank. If that is the case, you will need to "re-create" a quiz assignment and place in questions from your course's question bank. This takes some time, but is much better than having to re-write the quiz questions and answers.