A Video version of this is also available:  How to Grade and Record Feedback in a Turnitin Assignment
For a playlist of all CampusNet videos for Instructors:  CampusNet Course Tutorials for Instructors


Note: For Setting Up a Turnitin Assignment, see this article:  How to Set Up a Turnitin Assignment

This article will show you how to review, comment on, and grade a student's Turnitin assignment paper.

Reviewing, commenting and grading a student's Turnitin assignment:

1. Log in to CampusNet, click the Menu pull-down and select My Courses and go to the course page you want to edit.

2. In the Activities menu on the right, click Turnitin Assignments.

3. From the list of Turnitin assignments showing, click the name of the one you want to review and grade.

4. In the Turnitin Submission Inbox that comes up, you will see a few settings at the top, which were made when the assignment was setup.  If you wish to change any of these settings from this screen, use the Edit pencil icons to change them.

5. Scroll down to see any assignment entries submitted, and click on either the paper's Submission Title or the Grade pencil icon for a student's paper.  Either action will open a Turnitin window showing the submitted paper.

6. The Turnitin window will show the student's paper along with some controls you can use while grading this and other papers.

  1. At the top, you will see the student's name, the field to enter a grade, and some controls (Left and Right arrows for viewing other students' submissions, a pull-down which allows you to select any other paper to review, and a useful help icon (question mark) to open Turnitin's user documentation.
  2. Icons at the right margin have controls for marking and feedback:
    1. Instructor feedback layer (Blue icons)
      1. QuickMark icons: Highlight a word or phrase with your mouse, then select (or create) a QuickMark comment to apply near that selection.
      2. Feedback Summary: Enter a text comment you wish to make to give the student overall feedback for this paper.
      3. Rubric/Form: Can be set up using the Gear icon on the right, if a Rubric is desired.
    2. Similarity layer(Red icons)
      1. Match Overview: Shows potential plagerism matches in the paper
      2. All sources: Shows sources of all matches with controls to use if you wish to exclude sources
      3. Filters and settings: various similarity filters you can adjust
      4. Excluded sources: Shows which sources you have excluded from All sources (allows you to un-exclude)

7. When you have finished reviewing, marking and grading the paper, click the arrows at top (or use the pull-down list) to view the next paper.  If you entered the grade last, be sure to click onto another field so that the grade gets submitted to Turnitin.  When done, simply close the Turnitin window on your browser.

8. You should now be back at your course's Turnitin Submission Inbox, where you will see the graded papers (grades appear momentarily, once the Turnitin analysis is done).

Another good source of help on Turnitin can be reached at help.turnitin.com which provides excellent assistance for managing Turnitin assignments.

TIP:  More help for Turnitin:  Another good source of help on Turnitin can be reached at help.turnitin.com which provides excellent assistance for managing Turnitin assignments.