A Video version of this is also available:  Manual Grading & Overrides
For a playlist of all CampusNet videos for Instructors:  CampusNet Course Tutorials for Instructors


The following steps will show you how to manually grade or override grades on activities.

Many activities (quizzes assignments, etc.) are automatically graded based on how the assignment was set up.  Some assignments are graded manually (threaded discussions, etc.), so instructors/graders need to enter those grades manually.  Occasionally a grader will need to manually change a grade that was entered automatically.  This is called an Override.  These instructions will show the steps done for both of these actions.

Start here:

1. Log in to CampusNet, click the Menu pull-down and select My Courses and go to the course page you want to edit.

2. In the left menu pane, select Grades and be sure the pull-down at the top of the screen is set to open the Grader Report view. 

3. Click the Turn editing on button at the top.

Manual Grading:

  1. To manually grade an activity for a student, find the activity name in the column headings, and find the student's name in the row headings.  You will enter the manual grade in the grade field box at the intersection of these.  Enter the grade changes you want into that box.
  2. When done entering manual grades, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save changes.
  3. If you entered the manual grade into an assignment which isn't automatically graded, the Grader Report will now show the manually entered grade with no background color.

Grade Overrides:

  1. If you entered the manual grade into an assignment which is automatically graded, the Grader Report will now show the manually entered grade with a tan background color to indicate the calculated grade was overridden.
  2. From this screen you can enter any other grades you want and click Save changes to save them and see them with the override background color.
    1. If for some reason you want to stop overriding a grade and allow it to be changed again by the automatic grading process, you can click the gear icon that is just above that grade in the Grader Report and untick the Overridden box.  Scroll down and click Save changes.  After grades are recalculated, click the Continue button to return to the Grader Report.  Note that the background color for that grade is now white, indicating that it is no longer overridden.
    2. Grade fields for manually graded activities (such as forums) will not have an Overridden check box, since they are always entered manually.